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About Otaku Wanted
Otaku Wanted is a passion project created by me, Saulo Arechiga, with the goal of connecting anime fans with anime shops.
How Otaku Wanted was Born.
In 2006, while walking around Los Angeles, California with my friends I stumbled into Little Tokyo and the anime shop "Anime Jungle". As an otaku, I thought there should be more anime shops nearby, but there wasn't enough time in the day to find them all.
The next day I did a quick search on the net to find anime shops near my home. I googled "anime shops", "anime stores", and a variety of other keywords. When the search results came back I received listings for several online anime stores and a couple of shop locations nearby.
My overall thought was that the sites that I found didn't provide me with enough of what I wanted. It was then when I decided there should be a website designed to help people find anime shops. But, my ultimate goal was and is to spread anime throughout the U.S.A.